Myanmar model, Ael Wai Thar, is doing good deeds in the pagoda. She wears the white Bermese Attire and appears gorgeous. ALSO READ: Ael Wai Thar steps out with lovely outfit Ael Wai Thar looks happy and enjoying. She is ...

Myanmar famous singer, Gonn Shain Winnt Htal, is paying homage to pagoda on her birthday. She also offered the golden robes to Buddha. Gonn Shain Winnt Htal, is doing good deeds together with her Mom. She looks gorgeous with Burmese ...

Myanmar model, Kadae Thien, is gorgeous with Burmese attire. Kadae Thein was doing good deeds in Pagoda yesterday and she looks calm and peace. ALSO READ: Kadae Thein birthday photos Kadae Thein, an attractive model with hourglass body structure, looks ...

Myanmar actress, Khin Thazin, was doing good deeds in Mandalay Mahar Myat Muni Pagoda. She paid homage to the Buddha and washed Buddha’s image and pagoda. Khin Thazin was gorgeous with Burmese attire and the dress perfectly suited with her. ...

Chuu Sitt Han, was doing good deeds by releasing some fishes into the water. His nephew captures this moment and she shares her photos of doing good deeds to her fans. Let’s share her good deeds and peace together. Beside ...